Sunday, 19 September 2010


The National Instruments PCI-6514 board is an industrial 64-channel isolated digital I/O interface for PCI. The NI PCI-6514 inputs and outputs are optically isolated in banks of eight channels. With programmable power-up states, you can configure the initial output states in software, to ensure safe operation when connected to industrial actuators (pumps/valves/motors/relays). Using digital I/O watchdogs, the board can go to a configurable safe output state if a computer or application fault occurs. NI-DAQmx makes it fast and easy to configure your board and take advantage of all the high-reliability industrial features with automatic code generation in LabVIEW, ANSI C, Microsoft Visual C++, or Microsoft .NET Languages (C# and Visual Basic .NET). Learn more about low-cost industrial data acquisition technologies from NI!
  • Low-cost solution with advanced features for industrial control and manufacturing test applications
  • 32 bank-isolated sink/source inputs (±30 VDC)
  • 32 bank-isolated source outputs (±30 VDC,
    350 mA for one channel, 75 mA for all channels)
  • High-reliability industrial feature set: guaranteed industrial 24 V logic thresholds
  • Watchdogs, programmable power-up states, change detection, input filters, high current drive
  • NI-DAQmx software technology for highest productivity and performance (NI-DAQmx 7.1 and higher)