Friday, 17 September 2010


The National Instruments PCI-6528 board is an industrial 48-channel, parallel, isolated digital I/O interface for PCI systems. The NI PCI-6528 has 24 digital inputs and 24 digital switch outputs, completely jumper free. With the PCI-6528, you can sense digital levels up to ±60 VDC and switch currents up to 150mA. Because PCI-6528 boards are isolated, you can protect your system from noise and spikes on external signals and break ground loops. Using programmable power-up states, you can configure the initial output states in software, to ensure glitch-free, safe operations when connected to industrial actuators (pumps/valves/motors/relays). By using Digital I/O watchdogs, you can enable the device to go to a configurable safe output state if a computer or application fault occurs, thereby ensuring detection and safe recovery from fault conditions when connected to industrial actuators. With change detection, the digital I/O device notifies and triggers your software application when a digital change of state occurs (without polling). Programmable input filters eliminate glitches/spikes and provide debouncing for digital switches/relays through a programmable digital filter.